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Your Self Care: The Mindset Reset Checklist

I used to struggle to try and make self-care part of my life.

Then I realized it was so much more, and so much less,

 than booking a manicure and a pedicure while I fumed over the lost minutes waiting my turn. Getting my nails done is great, but frankly, I’ve got nowhere to go. My duties keep me at home and now a pandemic keeps me at home! If shiny nails give you a moment’s happiness and relaxation, then by all means do it. But if it seems more frustrating than it’s worth, it’s not fitting your self-care needs.

I’ve had so many opportunities to reach out to others and make a difference for them and re-direct my focus that it’s helped me to see self-care in an entirely new way. I’ve designed this Checklist so you can see it differently too.

The Checklist Is here! WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT?

  • It’s a handy way to peek in on yourself at the end of the long day
  • It’s a moment to appreciate you, value your caregiving work and refuel your tank so you have fuel for the next day
  • Sleep better and wake up more refreshed and less tired before you start the day


  • It’s about supporting your personal wellness regardless of your responsibilities.
  • You’ve taken on this role of caregiver, maybe it’s a new role for you. More likely, maybe you just added one more caregivingsituation to a lifetime of helping others, especially your loved ones.
  • You know you have to swing into action each day, but you’re overwhelmed.
  • You can’t effectively help others without helping yourself first!


✔ Create reinforcement out of what you already do:

The Mindset ReSet is all about the reinforcement of the best habits for you. When you start with what you’re already doing you’re more likely to get a bigger benefit. Once you choose a priority habit, Use the daily ReSet to find how often you’re making Self Care moments in your day. This is a way of congratulating yourself, not a tool of criticism. You are doing all you can to care for a loved one, and you are also deserving of loving care!

Self-Care is not selfish, it’s vital. You’re a caregiver because someone you love is less able to care for themselves. It’s what you need to do for yourself. You are a capable person who others turn to. You want to offer help and also show them how they can help themselves. Even your most frail elder can choose between orange juice and milk.

If you’re taking on all the effort and keeping nothing for yourself, this is another place the Mindset ReSet can help. Only you can keep your inner fire going!

✔ Put the effort in upfront to set yourself up with personal support habits:

This is where your Mindset ReSet comes in. When you feel like you can’t think any more or you’re stuck and can’t get going, the checklist does the work for you. Use what you know about your Unique Self: if exercise relaxes you make one 10-minute exercise break your first priority. Walk outside, dance to some music, or stretch to a yoga video.

If the thought of exercise is overwhelming, don’t force it. Try something else, like an easy, nutritious snack. Apples dipped in peanut butter, hummus, refried beans, or your favorite yogurt. A snack will lift your energy and taste like a treat for body and soul when you make a special point of it.

✔ Add habits that fit into your caregiving day.

You’ve set a care routine with your loved one, make sure you match up your own self-care between or alongside your care for others. Get creative because caregiving situations come and go but you are with yourself for life.
Be willing to try new self-care habits. Try something different such as relaxing muscle tension. Progressively tighten your muscles of your toes when you breathe in and relax your toes as you breathe out. Work your way up your muscle groups from toes to face. Any time you have to wait somewhere you can do this. It’s your secret superpower. No one can tell you’re boosting your wellness.

What if nothing is working well for you? Remind yourself you are learning what works best for you. Use the list to track what isn’t working so you can stop repeating what is not meeting your needs. Look for a way to adjust the care routine if you can, before you abandon your self-care effort. Look at your day differently and find the pockets of comfort you rely on. Are these comforts serving your best life? If really there is nothing that comforts you, you need to add something new. Get help without guilt when you need support.

I hope you’ll find the Mindset Reset reassuring and helpful to your self-care. You deserve to live a long and healthy life. Taking care of others can and does enrich your life. Give yourself permission to set some boundaries around your own health and wellness so you can be there to enjoy your loved ones for a long time to come.